Chargement Rendez-vous
Cet rendez-vous est passé
Monday, May 12th / Maison de la Région


09: 00 – 11: 00 am – Presenting the program and its partakers

11: 00 – 12: 30 am – What is illiteracy?

In presence of Laurence Buffet, Director of the Illiteracy Resources Centre

02: 00 – 04: 00 pm – Fighting illiteracy in Europe

Situations, surroundings and cultural customs of each state

04 :00 – 06: 00 pm – Fighting illiteracy in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region

Key data, means of action and partakers in fighting illiteracy within the area.

In presence of Guylaine Costantino, project manager of the fighting illiteracy master plan of the PACA region

06 :00 – 07: 00 pm – Welcoming reception


Tuesday, May 13th / Maison de la Région


09: 00 – 12: 30 pm – Comparative views of the partakers experiences

Exchanging perspectives and practices on the subject of dealing with illiterate publics using cultural means of action

02: 00 – 03: 30 pm – Role played by cultural practices in the process of educating feebly schooled adults

Does including cultural development practices as part of training have positive effects on the coaching of learners aiming to regain basic skills?

In presence of Edris Abdel Sayed, writer of an educational science thesis on the issue and coordinator of Initiales association (Champagne-Ardenne)

04: 00 – 06: 00 pm – Shared experiences

Incentives and obstacles related to the use of cultural practices in the paths of illiterate learners: representations, partnerships, courses of action

In presence of:

Edris Abdel Sayed, Initiales association, cultural practices applied to writing while working with feebly schooled publics, (Champagne-Ardenne)

Clara Abrudeanu and Frédéric Perret, CAPS project / CF2M association, cultural paths of young learners being trained to first knowledge, (Alpes-Maritimes)


Wednesday, May 14th / Maison de la Région


02: 00 – 03: 00 pm – Look back on the benefits of the previous days

03: 30 – 05: 30 pm – From one language to another: multilinguism, cultures and identities

Round-table meeting in presence of:

Velibor ÄŒolić, French writing Bosnian author, Line Colson, director of the « Writing shop » in Montpellier and Eric Brun, specialist in language and culture didactics currently working on a language awakening project in Toulon

07: 00 – 08: 30 pm – Readers’ club meeting

In presence of Velibor ÄŒolić and the « Readers’ cabinet » of Peuple et Culture

Thursday, May 15th / Friche de la Belle-de-Mai


9: 00 – 12: 00 am – Artistic practice workshop (words / sounds / images)

Video clips viewing / writing exercise on the sensorial representation of a place

01: 30 – 02: 30 pm – Meeting with Mot à Mot association

Stroll taking in the district so as to track adequate picture taking spots

03: 00 – 06: 00 pm – Artistic practice workshop (words / sounds / images)

Introductory course to viewpoint matters and camera-eye language

Photo taking and sound gathering in the Belle-de-Mai surroundings

07: 00 – 08: 30 pm – Exchange and debate with the FLE group


Friday, May 16th / Friche de la Belle-de-Mai


09: 00 – 11: 00 am – Artistic practice workshop (words / sounds / images)

Collective reflexion on the editing part (connecting words, sounds and images) 

11: 00 – 01: 00 pm – Teams 1 and 2: Assembling an audio-visual object using the collected materials

02: 30 – 04: 30 – Teams 3 and 4: Assembling an audio-visual object using the collected materials

 05: 00 – 06: 00 pm – Production viewing and reflexive commenting


Saturday, May 17th / Premises of Peuple et Culture Marseille


09: 30 – 11: 00 am – Analysis of the workshop experience

11: 00 – 12: 00 am – Collective establishment of a standard methodology template

Incentives and obstacles of the use of cultural practices in fighting illiteracy

02: 00 – 03: 30 pm – Collective establishment of a standard methodology template (continuation)


04: 00 – 05: 30 pm – Assessment of the workshop and perspectives


What you may expect ?


– A better knowledge of the issues and the role of the cultural action in the fight for literacy on the European scale.

– Exchange of experiences between European trainers about their training practices.

– Acquisition of working patterns and tools to implement cultural actions in your training process.

– Mutual enrichment to widen the vision of training programs for literacy by discovering other methods and other contexts.

– Networking with other entities with whom other forms of collaboration may be considered at the end of the workshop.


Workshop organiser

Peuple & Culture Marseille is a cultural non-profit organization specialized on popular education (continuing education) created in 2003, in Marseilles, France. It is member of Peuple et Culture, national network, founded in 1945. Our project is focused on language and image, especially on literature and documentary film, throught our different activities (screenings, mediation, artistic workshops, adult training) for different targets.


Target group

12 participants from the 28 EU Member States and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Croatia and Switzerland.

• Instructors or educators commited in the fight against illiteracy.

• Instructors or educators having experience or interest in cultural approach with people with low literacy skills

• Cultural actors involved with cultural or artistic project with people with low literacy skills

• Interest to compare their knowledge to other professionals from all over Europe


Other informations

The main workshop language is French. Translation will be done in English if necessary.

Participants should have good knowledge of French or English.


Duration : The workshop lasts 6 days.

Arrival on Saturday May 11th , a day before the official start of the workshop. 

Departure on Sunday May 18th , a day after the end of the workshop.


All costs are funded by Grundtvig (travel expenses, accommodation expenses, meal expenses, meeting costs, local transports).

Travel ticket will be reserved and bought by the organiser and sent to selected participant.


Accommodation : Hotel Guest House in the Center of the City, 2 participants per room (considering their personal wish, gender or special needs).

Lunch will be eaten at the workplace and dinner will be organized at restaurant.


Workshop activities will take place in several locations in Marseilles city center.

Visits to places for adult education and cultural activities will be organized.

Cultural events will be available in the evenings.


Registration and application : if you want to apply to participate in this workshop, please send the application form duly completed and signed in duplicate :

One copy by mail to :

Peuple & Culture Marseille

6-8 rue de Provence

F-13004 Marseille

One copy by e-mail to :


The deadline for submitting the application form is : March 10rd 2014.

Within two weeks you will receive an answer stating whether you have been selected or not to participate in the workshop.


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